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NEOKNET Wireless Internet Service Provicer Pryor Ok
Wireless Internet Service Provider Pryor Ok
Here’s What You Get With NEOKNET:


Internet Service

Request Site Survey

Here's the first step in getting NEOKNET's wireless Internet Access Service.

When you submit this form, our system will verify that the specified address is in range of one of our access points. Then a NEOKNET representative will contact you to schedule a convenient time for a site survey visit to determine if the signal is of sufficient strength and quality.

Once your NEOKNET representative determines the signal is of sufficient strength and quality, you'll need to choose the access plan that best suits your needs. Then we can proceed with your signing the Service Agreement, getting the installation date scheduled and making the necessary payment arrangements.

The site survey is free and there is no obligation to accept the service. NEOKNET respects your privacy and will only share the information you provide on this form with those services and contractors required to determine service availability.

If you prefer, you may also call NEOKNET at 918-824-4446 to request a site survey.

First Name:


Last Name:








Postal Code: *


Home Phone:



Work Phone:

Email Address:



Where did you hear about this service?


Comments:/Driving Directions

What does chickens lay?



* Value required.


(a wholly owned subsidiary of Advanced Automation LLC.)
301 W Graham, Pryor, Ok 74361
Voice: 918.824.4446   ·  Fax: 918-825-2082

NEOKNETSM is a servicemark of Advanced Automation LLC.


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